Friday, August 2, 2013

The Questionable Realtor

We've been using the HAR website for Houston real estate listings. It is usually pretty up to date. We left the two listings from yesterday that the realtor had told us accepted offers on our bookmarks in case someone backed out, since we liked both of them. Well, we checked, and as of right now, both listings are still as active on the market. They're from different real estate companies.

If it wasn't for the fact that the realtor seemed antsy to leave, I would have just shrugged it off. Combined with the fact that he showed up in shorts and a t-shirt and hasn't even acknowledged receiving an email we sent 24 hours ago, we're not sure if he's a full-time, serious realtor.


Edited to add:

He contacted us shortly after I wrote this. Apparently, out of a dozen listings we sent him to check, only 2 are eligible for a VA loan. They have been on the market for 3 and 5 days.

We told him we wanted to see them as soon as possible. We'll find a new realtor if his idea of "soon" is something like Tuesday.

Second Edit:

I called the agents for the two homes he told us were in contract. One was in a 7 day option that may or may not work out. The agent said she honestly wasn't sure either way. The other one had a low-ball offer over a week ago that didn't work out. It's still currently on the market and showing.

I would like an explanation of why he told us that they both had accepted offers and gone into contract, not a 7 day thing or something that didn't pan out over a week ago.

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